In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday. To support these annual observances, the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities provides materials to help Catholics understand and value the gift of human life and help build a culture that cherishes and protects it.
The Office for Life & Justice at the Diocese of Oakland has compiled the following resources for parish use as we celebrate Respect Life Month.
Here are some ways you can use the materials in your parish, school, ministry, or home to celebrate Respect Life Month. Not every step may apply to your circumstances, but most can be adapted to suit your needs.
to help protect the innocent against attacks on human life.
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Los bebés en el útero son más vulnerables que nunca. Cuando te inscribas en Acción y Oración por el Respeto a la Vida, recibirás:
para ayudar a proteger a los inocentes contra los ataques a la vida humana.