What does it mean to be human?
What does it mean to be a man? a woman?
How can we find happiness?
These are universal human questions. Pope John Paul II, at the start of his pontificate, addressed these questions in a series of talks that we know as theTheology of the Body. From 1978 – 1983 he delivered to the Church and theworld a catechesis that addresses what it means to be human and to be happy: the nature and meaning of love; what it means to be created male and female; the human need for community; the meaning of sexuality; and thecomplementarity between celibacy and marriage.
In his work, the Holy Father presents the perennial teachings of the Church, but in a new way, one that is more accessible to the modern reader. In essence, he develops the Church’s teaching from the ‘ground up’ – challenging men and women to begin with their own experiences, to look at them deeply – to learn from them, with the help of Revelation and of the Church, and to ask how they are congruent with Church teaching.
The text is available in a new translation by Michael Waldstein (Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body), which also has an excellent introduction. You may find it a dense read, but well worth the effort. Theaudiences in an earlier translation can also be read on EWNT's Library containing each of the related Papal Wednesday audiences.
There are many resources that have come available in the last 10 years – an annotated list is available on the resources page. The Diocese of Oakland also offers periodic classes on the Theology of the Body. Finally, there are study groups available in the area as well or, you can start your own.
The Theology of the Body is a dense theological catechetical teaching on life, love, sexuality, and the nature of the human person. The Diocese of Oakland has many resources to help navigate this challenging (but rewarding) work: introductory classes, leadership training, and study groups.
The Office of Marriage and Family Life offers periodic introductory classes on the Theology of the Body. These classes are four weeks, one night/week. No previous experience with Theology of the Body is assumed.
For more information: Please email Mimi Streett or call (510) 267-8392
The Diocese of Oakland, through our Francis de Sales School for Pastoral Ministry also offers a class each spring for those interested in deepening their understanding of the Theology of the Body and in particular for those who wish to start a study group in their own parish.
The class meets February – June, one Saturday each month, from 9am – 3:30pm. Students will receive a comprehensive overview of Theology of the Body, and be introduced to resources for sharing it with others. A textbook is provided. Certification is offered to all who participate in all five sessions, and meet the other course requirements.
The diocese is happy to provide ongoing support for anyone who wishes to start a study group in their own parish, or within their own ministry.
Currently, there is one ongoing study group focused specifically on the Theology of the Body in the Diocese of Oakland. It meets in the fall and spring, on alternate Tuesday evenings in North Berkeley, from 7:30 – 8:45. Each session goes through a single audience of the Holy Father’s catechesis. All are welcome – no prior knowledge or experience is required (though it may be helpful).
For more information Please email Mimi Streett or call (510) 267-8392
There are also study groups developing which are based on the writings of John Paul II and his understanding of the human person. Their intention is to apply these principles to the world and society around us (particularly regarding marriage). For more information
contact Dennis Dubro (510) 657-9970 or Marissa Smithwick (925) 212-1561.
Essay by Christopher West - quick intro to TOB
Fr Thomas Loya on TOB (video clips)
TOB overview / Roger Landry (brief – outline format)
JP II’s Theology of the Body - summary
Christopher West website http://www.tobinstitute.org
Love and Responsibility Foundation - lots of great stuff
Fr Roger Landry – tons of good stuff here*
Christopher Kaczor - blogpost on CatholicAnswers.com: "God of Desire", understanding the difference between eros and agape
Theology of the Body for Beginners / Christopher West
Theology of the Body Made Simple Anthony Percy
Love and Responsibility (simplified) Vincent Walsh
Theology of the Body (simplified) Vincent Walsh
Fr Richard Hogan - an excellent overview *
Theology of the Body pdf / Roger Landry (detailed outline)
Love and Responsibility (precursor to TOB)
Tabor Life Institute - The Tabor Life Institute is dedicated to the sacramental-liturgical worldview of the human person and of the entire created order.
John Paul II on Love and Responsibility
Janet Smith, "Humanae Vitae: A Challenge to Love"
Cardinal Arinze (YouTube): Webcast #1 Theology of the Body
and Webcast #2 TOB: Self-Control and Webcast #3 Theology of Body on Marriage
Theology of the Body in John Paul II / Richard Hogan*
Love and Responsibility / Karol Wojtyla
The Nuptial Mystery / Angelo Cardinal Scola*
Covenant of Love / Richard Hogan and John LeVoir*
The Conjugal Act as a Personal Act / Donald Asci*
Theology of the Body Explained / Christopher West (detailed)
Naked Without Shame - John Paul II / edited by Christopher West
Crossing the Threshold of Love / Mary Shivanandan
Toward a Theology of the Body / Mary Prokes
The Virgin Mary and the Theology of the Body / Donald Calloway
Why Humanae Vitae was Right / Janet Smith*
Humanae Vitae, 20 years later / Janet Smith
The Freedom of the Gift / Anastasia Northrup (detailed 4 part study guide)
Men and Women are from Eden / Mary Healy
The Body Reveals God: A Guided Study Through John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" Zeno, Katrino.
Tons of great resources* http://thetheologyofthebody.com/information/teens
Theology of the Body for Teens* – outstanding presentation of Church teaching on chastity, love, sexuality. Challenges teens to look honestly at their own experiences and desire to be loved
A Parent's Guide: Teaching the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality (Order 1 hr video as seen on EWTN)
Many many excellent DVD’s* at http://ofwcmedia.com/8-theology-of-the-body
Christopher West has put together several presentations of TOB
Theology of the Body / Fr. Brian Mullady, OP $10
Naked without Shame /Christopher West (10 CD set) $5
One More Soul many TOB and NFP resources
Humanae Vitae
Familiaris Consortio
Evangelium Vitae
On the Dignity and Vocation of Women
Veritatis Splendor
Gaudium et Spes
Married Love and the Gift of Life
Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality: Guidelines for Education within the Family
Donum Vitae
Casti Connubii
Dignitas Personae
Persona Humana