The major activities for our Vocations and Seminarians Office are vocational promotional ministry, discernment and direction of seminarians in the formation program, maintaining contact and relations with seminaries and vocational apostolate groups, administrating the vocations office and its archives, and cooperating with the clergy services department, other diocesan offices, and national organizations on vocational projects. For those considering a religious vocation and for those simply seeking information on religious life, the Vocations and Seminarians Office provides informational materials and vocational discernment. For seminarians in formation, we provide moral and financial support, spiritual direction, and visitation. For vocation apostolates (i.e. Serra, Theresians), our office plays a collaborative role, providing a liaison to the diocese.
As a result of these endeavors, the Vocations and Seminarians Office has reestablished systematic contact with those groups that seek it out, including collaboration with national organizations such as the National Religious Vocations Conference (NRVC) as well as seminaries in California and the Southwest. Our office has also organized our own archives and is beginning new projects in the area of vocational promotional ministry.
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